
Racing for a Cause: Climate Action at Sea and on Land

Across our sails, the message is clear: This is “A Race We Must Win - Climate Action Now!” This mission defines every aspect of Team Malizia’s efforts. While Boris races at sea, we continue the race on land. Beyond sailing and collecting crucial Ocean data to help scientists better understand climate change, we are also deeply invested in Ocean and climate education through our Malizia My Ocean Challenge program.

by Remy Johannsen

Boris joined live from the Atlantic Ocean, answering the children's most burning questions.

Boris joined live from the Atlantic Ocean, answering the children's most burning questions.

© Remy Johannsen / Team Malizia

Children in Hamburg envisioned a utopian future for Hamburg, where all problems had been solved.

Children in Hamburg envisioned a utopian future for Hamburg, where all problems had been solved.

© Birte Lorenzen-Herrmann / Team Malizia

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